Imagine the excitement of graduating college with Jerry Seinfeld as your commencement speaker!

Imagine the excitement of a college graduation ceremony! For most graduates at Duke, it was a thrilling moment, but for a few, things took a surprising turn when they decided to walk out during the speech. Can you believe it? They left their own graduation because the speaker was a Jewish comedian, Jerry Seinfeld.

It’s a bit ironic, don’t you think? They missed the chance to hear from a legendary figure in comedy. Jerry Seinfeld is famous for challenging politically correct norms, and his speech offered a unique perspective. Most of the graduates applauded him, and why wouldn’t they? It’s Jerry Seinfeld! Choosing to walk out seemed pretty extreme.

Of course, not everyone finds his humor funny, and that’s totally fine. But graduation is a time to show respect—respect for the school, for fellow students, and for the ceremony itself. It’s a celebration for all, not just a few individuals. Walking out because you disagree with the speaker isn’t just a personal choice—it disrupts the experience for everyone else.

By leaving, those students missed out on a meaningful moment and disrupted the ceremony for others. After years of hard work to earn their degree, sticking around for a brief speech would have been a small gesture of respect and allowed everyone to enjoy the occasion together.

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